113 mins.
113 mins.
113 mins.
Make yourself at home with the Carmichaels (Alfre Woodard, Delroy Lindo) as they raise their kids in difficult, but often wonderful, circumstances in their close-knit Brooklyn neighborhood.
Alfre Woodard, Delroy Lindo, Spike Lee, David Patrick Kelly, Zelda Harris, Jose Zuniga, Isaiah Washington, Ivelka Reyes, N. Jeremi Duru, Patriece Nelson, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Tse-Mach Washington, Carlton Williams, Christopher Knowings, Sharif Rashed
Directed By:
Spike Lee
Gift Details
Make yourself at home with the Carmichael family as they experience one very special summer in their Brooklyn neighborhood that they've affectionately nicknamed "Crooklyn". Renowned director Spike Lee fashions a bold, flavorful picture of family life that People Magazine calls his "most affectionate work." Academy Award® nominee Alfre Woodard stars as Carolyn, a loving, but fiercely independent mother who along with her musician husband (Delroy Lindo) struggles to raise her family in difficult but often wonderful circumstances. Complemented by an energizing, vintage R&B soundtrack, this tender, colorful film is a fitting tribute to an American family.