Coogan's Bluff
Coogan's Bluff
94 mins.
Coogan's Bluff
94 mins.
94 mins.
Oscar® winner Clint Eastwood stars as a soft-spoken, straightforward, Arizona cop sent to New York City to extradite a captured murderer, but when the killer escapes, the hunt is on!
Clint Eastwood, Lee J. Cobb, Susan Clark, Tisha Sterling, Don Stroud, Betty Field, Tom Tully, Melodie Johnson, James Edwards, Rudy Diaz
Directed By:
Don Siegel
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Clint Eastwood stars as Walt Coogan, a soft-spoken, straightforward, Arizona lawman who is sent to New York City to extradite captured murderer James Ringerman (Don Stroud). Coogan slips up, Ringerman escapes again, and the hunt is on! Coogan's unorthodox law enforcement techniques don't go over too well with frustrated NYC Police Lieutenant McElroy (Lee J. Cobb), who can't decide which is worse... the prisoner, or the lawman!